Archive for the Lawful Rebellion Category

The Great 2011 Census Heist – We Told You So!

Posted in Census 2011, Governance, Hacktivism, Lawful Rebellion with tags , , , , , , , on June 23, 2011 by informedminds

It all started with this PasteBin Link and I’ll be clear from the outset, it’s all unconfirmed so far.

I read in the Register:

“Greetings Internets,

We have blissfully obtained records of every single citizen who gave their records to the security-illiterate UK government for the 2011 census   We’re keeping them under lock and key though… so don’t worry about your privacy (…until we finish re-formatting them for release)”

In response the Office of National Statistics (ONS) had this to say:

“We are aware of the suggestion that census data has been accessed. We are working with our security advisers and contractors to establish whether there is any substance to this. The 2011 Census places the highest priority on maintaining the security of personal data. At this stage we have no evidence to suggest that any such compromise has occurred.”

Sky news have been quick to set out the ‘authorized’ line, the usual pre-trial sentencing on the alter of public scrutiny has begun in earnest, article here. It must be said that this 19 year old lad, named as Ryan Cleary has been hurriedly ‘associated’ with a number of recent (and very convenient) high profile cyber-attacks. The usual sheeple will of course fall in line with the standard line of ‘where there’s smoke, there’s fire,’ whether the lad is innocent, or not. I say convenient simply because only a fool would fail to see that this ‘opportunity’ will be seized on to its fullest to bring in a whole heap of regulation and censorship upon the only source of unfiltered information on what’s really happening in the world. Articles aplenty litter the net on the Internet 2, internet ‘driving licenses’ and even just plain preferential bandwidth for those sites that ‘toe the line’ as opposed to those that would question and dare I say possibly object to being force-fed complete shite!

So it should not come as a surprise that I’m hardly surprised if this has happened. People allowed themselves to be deluded into believing their private details would be kept confidential, though it never could be and all they had to do was read the clauses within the bloody PRIVACY STATEMENT. The blog Wasps Nest did excellent posts on this subject last October entitled “2011 Census – who gets your information?” and “2011 Census – the ONS responds” both of which spelled it out quite clearly.

FOIR – Access to census data by “law enforcement” authorities

Cyber Fascism Coming Your Way

Now, to talk of the ‘attack’ itself and what might be coming down the pipe in the very near future.

If its legit, not a hoax which is making my gut twitch just thinking about it, and the motifs of these “hackivists” are true, then sure, you may argue that the ends justifies the means. Certainly this seems to be a position favored by a great many on the various social networking sites.

Others though, not just vested interests and shills, will flat out denounce this as the work of completely unaccountable nobodies running amok with potentially ulterior motifs and that unknown scares them more than the at least partially accountable (often corrupt) officials in the public offices… They at least are quantifiable, we expect the worst from those parasites, it’s no surprise when they talk out their arse and fail to keep their promises.

Morally on the other hand… I’d have to point out that any infringement on anothers personal information is essentially wrong, but for a slight ‘legal’ justification in this case, that being those who actually signed that declaration on the 2011 census gave up property rights on the data submitted to the Crown via its agency the ONS (see below).

We were originally assured by the ONS that:

“ONS has put in place additional contractual and operational arrangements in the 2011 Census contract with Lockheed Martin UK to ensure that US authorities could not gain access to census data.” Those arrangements included:

  1. All data processing will be carried out in UK – no data will leave or be held at any point outside the UK
  2. All data is the property of the ONS and only UK/EU owned companies will have any access to personal census data
  3. The only people who have access to the full census dataset in the operational data centre will be ONS staff
  4. No Lockheed Martin staff (from either the US parent or UK company) will have access to any personal census data
  5. ONS will control system access rights to all data systems
  6. Everyone working with census data will sign declarations of confidentiality
  7. Independent checks by an accredited UK security consultancy of both physical and electronic security are carried out for ONS.”

That signature gave up any legal claim to the information submitted by you upon their forms, not that its un-winnable, there’s always lawsuit for tort for example. Can we say we have been damaged by this fiasco (suffered personal loss) by this loss of privacy?


Can we we say that there was an expectation of every measure being taken to protect the data obtained under the threat of reprisal (initiation of force) for non-compliance?

Yes, this was expressly declared on the mainstream media relentlessly…

Was this a breach of civil duty and trust?


All then that is required surely is proving their negligence and Lockheed Martin already had to put their hands up to a failure of RSA security tokens and a subsequent security breach.

So you have to ask, why they are putting the information on a network that can be accessed with, it would appear, relative ease via the internet. Sounds somewhat risky to me… Though what’s a little more bad press for the ONS (with Lockheed Martin to use as whipping boy/scapegoat in the daily rags) a small price to pay for some seriously freedom curtailing legislation to throttle the internet, i.e. make the hosting companies liable etc for the content… to protect our liberties of course… and our data… oh, and to stop those gosh darn terrorists. (God I wish I could truly express the intense sarcasm that is dripping off that last sentence!)

But the plot thickened immediately as LulzSec disavowed the alleged census hack, as it must, when the indoctrinated masses are well used to these shenanigans, though their 15 minute attention spans help the propagandists craft such a fine dramatic farce to keep them occupied.

So what did the LulzSec twitter feed say?… Drum roll please!

“Not sure we claimed to hack the UK census or where that rumour started, but we assume it’s because people are stupider than you and I.”

This is followed by:

“I’m not seeing “we hacked the UK census” on our twitter feed or website… why does the media believe we hacked the UK census?”

A previous message noted:

“Seems the glorious leader of LulzSec got arrested, it’s all over now… wait… we’re all still here! Which poor bastard did they take down?”

Now the only thing I want to know is who’s perpetrating this apparent hoax, who benefits from the heightened atmosphere of cyber-fear? Hmm, I wonder…

Discention In The Ranks – TNSRADIO 04/12/11

Posted in Interview, Lawful Rebellion, TNS Radio with tags , , , , , , , , , on April 12, 2011 by informedminds

USTREAM Broadcast 12/04/2011.

Further to the events of the 7th of March 2011 at Birkenhead, a response to media attempts to vilify the parties involved by painting them as being affiliated to the BNP. Also a particular focus on some interesting subsequent divisions appearing in the various groups and sites within the “truth” – freedom loving movement. This show tackled this head on to get it out in the open, threats, intimidation and some impressive ego trips.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Discention In The Ranks – TNSRADIO 04/12/11, posted with vodpod

Too Busy Bitching About Broken Windows…

Posted in Lawful Rebellion, Politics, Protest, Spin with tags , , , , , , , , , on March 30, 2011 by informedminds

I wonder how this world we are given to live in, with all its benefits and privileges, would look if we were able to hold those who lie to us, steal from us, abuse our misplaced trust. Be they in the government, judiciary, financial, religious, armed forces, police or any other ‘public’ office), up to the same level of scrutiny as is imposed on those who point out their lies…

Ever heard of malfeasance in public office? Sort of rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it? Or here’s a good one, what about treason? I could go on, the list of their crimes are myriad and guarded too by those we also trust to protect our collective rights…

No? – But we can sure bitch about a few busted bank windows and some graffiti, bemoaning the “damage to private property” but lets not worry about the devastation wrought by banker manipulation, fraud and let’s not sugar coat it and call it anything less than financial terrorism.

Keep Up The Pressure, It’s Working…

Posted in Censorship, Lawful Rebellion with tags , , , , , , , on March 24, 2011 by informedminds

This came to my attention earlier today, signs are that events of the 7th of March at Birkenhead are still not fully played out, video is being removed by the Government no less. So re-upload them all, keep it alive, if my little channel can get 10,000 hits on this subject without much effort, what about 100,000 people doing the same?

The now defunct [ Link ]

I only uploaded four videos of the day on my little account and as yet no notifications.

1st video1,112 views on 24th of March 2011

2nd video5,212 views on 24th of March 2011

3rd video1,121 views on 24th of March 2011

4th video2,180 views on 24th of March 2011

Small views really, I don’t promote the channel very well, can’t be bothered really given the average apparent IQ of YouTube users, and the majority of the videos I put up are informative, too many just want to be entertained.

And I don’t bother fending off the trolls and shills for the most part, my energy is best spent elsewhere I feel.

A Step Too Far – The 2011 Census Rebellion

Posted in Census 2011, Lawful Rebellion, Politics with tags , , , , , , on March 14, 2011 by informedminds

I find this absolutely wonderful…

At every turn now I’m seeing a whole host of people from every class, creed, religion, ideology AND politic persuasions across the entire spectrum, but all with a  consensus that is damn near universal.

So many ideas, so many views, all telling the corporate State, this intrusion a step too far and answer it with a resounding – I’m telling you jack diddly squat, mate! But I have noticed a distinct lack of support from those we’d say as having ‘clout’, in the eyes of the masses, those being the officials, the mainstream media and talking heads, the journalists with any integrity left, the personalities even the CELEBRITIES…  (yes I know, scrapping the barrel there with that last one!) But then, it’s hardly sexy, is it, not much scope for getting on the next chat show except as the oddity, a stitch up, or just for comic relief…

Even the serial conformists are having issues with a great deal of the  2011 fiasco, not just the invasive, irrelevant questions, but the choice of Lockheed Martin as the agent for the ONS.  Have we all sunk so low, are we truly become the apathetic wretches who are so cowed, so servile, that we shrink and tug a forelock to those men and women in government?

Oh I have seen a few notable exceptions, many, many great articles detailing with this subject, but few personalities were weighing in and then I had to stand corrected…  In strode Janet Street Porter with her indomitable flair and typical ‘shoot from the hip’ attitude to brighten my day.

How can the simple job of gathering information about the population once every ten years, which started out in 1801 as a single sheet of paper, have morphed into this costly (£480 million and rising) exercise during a period of national financial hardship?

If we can’t afford help for carers, child day-care centres, meals on wheels and libraries, how can we bloody well afford this grandiose census? We are told it’s justified because the information allows the Government to plan grants to local authorities and to decide how much money to allocate for future health care.

The stuff about our homes helps to formulate future strategy for housing. If we tell them how we get to work, apparently it will help with the planning of transport systems and new roads.

And pigs can fly. Every time a new road, bus or rail route is planned, what happens?

There’s a fresh consultation exercise. Ditto when it comes to new housing and hospitals — there’s always a need for up-to-date information and research. More questionnaires, more information, more money spent.

I’ll leave that article with a thought, a small pondering of mine…  Just who has more balls, Janet Street Porter?…  Or the traitorous ConDem coalition?…  Tough call, isn’t it?

This one from Big Brother Watch tickled my fancy for sure.

The real question depends on the number of people, who either by not returning, defacing or directly challenging the  applicability of census via the No Contract – Return To Sender, conditional acceptance, religious reasons, support of State terrorism, or whatever…  and dealing with potential doorstep intrusions…

Even then it’s hardly an issue for even the most timid, a simple NO TRESPASS notice prominently displayed, bring it to their agents attention and close the door.  Too simple?  Then why did Census director Glen Watson have this to say on the subject back in July 2010:

“We have to have made contact.  So quite a lot of the people that don’t return the questionnaire, our census field staff have not been able to make any contact and you cannot prosecute a house.

Who will be prosecuted, and under what circumstances?

Of the 1.5 million families that, in whatever manner, refused to participate in the 2001 census, only 38 were successfully prosecuted, and given the lack of understanding in any number of legal ‘tricks’ to gain jurisdiction, it is a wonder to me, that there wasn’t more…  Only one ended up in a prison sentence, and that was a well publicised case where a particularly obstinate man was done for contempt of court for refusing to pay the fine.  The details of the criteria used can be found here.

“Prosecutions were sought on a case-by-case basis, where there was clear evidence of a refusal to return a completed Census form. The criteria for Non-Compliance Unit dropping potential cases were decided by the Legislation Project Manager, following the practise in previous censuses and taking account of more recent legal advice. The main reasons for dropping cases included:

  • insufficient confirmation of householder’s name (in cases, for example, where no contact had been made and evidence from other sources of information – such as the Electoral Register – was lacking);
  • responsibility for making a return had not been established;
  • possible irregularities in field procedures;
  • evidence of mitigating personal circumstances, such as age or infirmity of the householder or in cases of bereavement;
  • claims that forms had been posted back which could not be readily verified because of postal difficulties; and
  • cases relating to a second home or holiday accommodation.”

So will the government  actually fine them, or will they be seen to be selectively prosecuting individuals which must invariably  appear politically motivated?

Something to think on if you really must fill it in, deface it or whatever, please, please, consider rubbing  a white candle over the ‘official use’ boxes, make these bureaucrats work for their shekels.  If ‘we’ are paying so much for it, is it so much to ask that we get value for our tax-thefts?

Some may be wondering how I may be handling this, to date I haven’t had a form delivered yet, but when it does I will be sticking to the No Contract – Return To Sender route. A doorstep visit bothers me not a jot, I will be challenging that on the doorstep, no tricks, I will be stating something like:

“There is no man or woman here with any liability to, nor obligation to perform in this matter upon your request.  Go tell that to your boss mate, you’re finished here, now fuck off, the sign there says “NO TRESPASS”, are you blind as well as ignorant?”

But that’s just me.

Get Back In Your Box Little Debt Serf

Posted in Lawful Rebellion, Spin with tags , , , , , , , on March 8, 2011 by informedminds

Already the tone is changing in what is being put out, soon they’ll be rolling out the big guns.

How long will it be, I wonder, till we see this story in the mainstream in all its poisonous glory?…

Tax rebel leader demands magistrates summons Merseyside Chief Constable to court

The way forward? – Carrying on regardless as anticipated.

Today Mr Hayes told District Judge Lomax at magistrates’ court: “In county court, we arrested Judge Peake for treason and contempt of court.”

However, District Judge Lomax refused the application saying it was for “self-publicity” and that it was not coming before the court with “clean hands”.

Speaking outside the court, Mr Hayes told the Globe: “We will now take this application to a higher court and appeal the judge’s decision to not serve a summons to the chief constable.

“A key point in all of this is that I am happy to pay council tax, provided it is lawful.

“The way council tax is being applied is unlawful. I have written to Wirral Council but they will not reply to my letters. We are calling for everyone, under common law, to stop paying their council tax until change comes.”

The implication that Roger Hayes was acting unethically – “unclean hands” – is ridiculous, unlike the non-responsive council, Roger has remained in honour in his actions from every single account. He’s denied nothing, he wants to pay it, once they prove its lawfulness. If Roger Hayes is so wrong, why can’t they prove it? Everybody else pays it, is no answer.

Joe Rogan with his wonderful take on that:

‘Don’t get ideas’ – council leader’s warning to anyone considering joining tax rebellion

Obviously this is just a rehash of a previous article I already posted on, but the cheek of them, “nobody is above the law” indeed, what a joke – and of course we’ll see the Powers That Be dismiss everything, without EVER refuting anything.

Good Press, Bad Press?….

Posted in Lawful Rebellion, Spin with tags , , , , on March 8, 2011 by informedminds

Reading the Daily Mail article today  by Angela Eagle you may be forgiven for seeing in a favourable light. It is not overly aggressive, so can we consider any press to be viewed as good press or not?

“In chaotic scenes, police rescued Judge Michael Peake from the clutches of a mob and escorted him safely from the County Court in Birkenhead, Merseyside.

Officers were force to scramble over court benches to control the near riot as one protester shouted to ‘seal the court’. Another sat in the judge’s chair at the head of the court and declared the defendant be released.”

By all accounts so far, the scene was noisy… OK, extremely noisy… Given that it was quite clearly heard outside the building. But frankly it must be said that had the Lawful Rebellion practitioners were extremely peaceful and that was the REAL problem for the ‘authorities’… Hardly a “near riot”, and most certainly nothing for the police to get their teeth into.

The definition of the British Constitution Group (BCG) as “anti-establishment” and “anti-authoritarian”, is just ridiculous, at every point Roger Hays has, in my opinion, stated that the BCG just want an even playing field – one law for all and justly applied. He said as much in his presentation in January of last year on the Lawful Rebellion page entitle “Lawful Rebellion & Alternative Governance“, hardly a call to arms and violent revolution, isn’t it?…

We just want them to do their duty, but we have had to come to terms with the disappointing reality that it just won’t happen unless we effect the changes we need ourselves.

But really, it’s often not ‘what’ is said, more like ‘how’…

“The demonstration was sparked when a prominent voice in the BCG, Roger Hayes, from Wirral, faced a bankruptcy hearing for non-payment of council tax.”

Where is the mention of the previous challenges to court jurisdiction and the legality of Council Tax, where he has had the audacity to expose PUBLICLY the fraudulent practices of Local Councils and lay bare the utter corruption of the British judiciary. Therein lies the crux of the matter, with great bravery and superb skill he has directly challenged the establishment, I know many that have successfully fended off the Corporate State and its agents through peaceful non-compliance and using some good common sense. The difference is, those guys don’t make the papers do they?

“We are not advocating the removal of this or any other so-called supposedly democratically elected government… As far as we are concerned, if you voted for them… You can have them!”

-Roger Hayes (British Constitution Group)

Isn’t it a delicious irony that we that deny the warmongering Statist whoresons their pound of flesh are branded the the “tax-dodgers“, a few million half of which goes on council pensions and NOT on services as opposed to the likes of Vodafone and their £6 BILLION tax-dodge. Oh yes, equality before the law… Bollox!

A First Hand Account Of The Event

Posted in Lawful Rebellion with tags , , on March 8, 2011 by informedminds

A great first hand account of the day from Musashi, a Proud practitioner of Lawful Rebellion and Freeman on the fmotl forum.

“Just got back from Birkenhead and – briefly – the judge was arrested and cautioned. All on camera(s). When the police were called they arrested the two men who arrested the judge. It all got a bit hectic then. The court was packed to capacity and there were about two hundred more of us outside. Roger and Co. convened a Grand Jury and a true bill is being issued against the judge and, because of the actions of his officers, the chief constable.

The packed court refused to let the cops leave with their prisoners and more cops arrived. Scuffles broke out as we and they tried to take control of strategic doorways. They brought a dog in but, as we were peaceful and the dog is trained to attack rowdy types, it got confused and they left. Treeman occupied the judge’s seat and called for order. There was laughter all round and many photos. More cops arrived and still we did not let them leave with the prisoners.

Eventually a cop with braid on his cap lost the plot and grabbed Holy Vehm’s son by the throat. I think it was him, anyway. I grabbed the cop, another grabbed me and we all had a bit of a dance in between the doors between the court and the front doors. Anyway there were quite a few little scuffles and huge noise for several hours. Eventually I got dragged out by several of them and found dozens of cops out on the street and hundreds of lawful rebels chanting and tackling individual cops with demands. I came out of the melee with a dead leg, a broken nail and two bleeding fingers. (However, several hours laetr I can now feel the lumps and the bumps) Many of these cops were bemused – did not know what hit them. Several were visibly shaking. The PCSO’s were useless. The court staff were long fled. Cameras were everywhere and cops milled about aimless for a while. One guy got bit by the dog and one guy got run over – deliberately – by a cop car. The car was immediately surrounded and prevented from leaving.

The were over forty police vehicles stretched along the road outside the court, and streets for half a mile around were cordoned off. They were very uncoordinated.

I met lots of rebels from London, Glasgow, Cornwall, Yorkshire and many other places. Passing locals asked what was going on and then joined in. One PCSO left his post at the station and, much to the disgust of his mates, joined us in rebellion! People Mike and I spoke to in a nearby cafe came and joined in. The locals were amazing. The rebels were amazing and, by God, I had one fuck of a day! Can’t wait for the next one.”

The smear campaign, it’s all your fault…

Posted in Lawful Rebellion, Spin with tags , on March 8, 2011 by informedminds

And so it begins!

“Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you”

— Ben Franklin (January 5th 1773)

The smear campaign by the Powers That Be are beginning to take form, here we have the Wirral news quoting the Leader of Wirral Council, Counsellor Jeff Green who said:

“Have these people given any thought to what happens to the likes of Sure Start, public libraries or other services that people depend on? Not many people like paying tax but we accept the need for tax. I am disappointed this case has been adjourned, but in the light of the events that took place, understand the court’s decision.

Did this man miss the point, I think not, but he will not admit it. Yesterday seen a challenge of jurisdiction which, if they had proper standing and as they claimed “a properly constituted court” would not have been an issue. As to the cuts in public services, who does this numbnuts think he kidding, we the “feral under-classes” as we’ve been branded in certain quarters are not at fault for the ‘necessity’ of these cuts, not the teachers, not the unions, the protesters, nor the determined, selfless men and women who have recognized their absolute duty to enter LAWFUL REBELLION. Theirs is a maligned path, made so not just by Statist extremists and their special interest, but by a state of wilful ignorance and complacence of the common man.

“So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men.”

— Voltairine de Cleyre (1886-1912)

There it is, like the abusive rapists they are, they will blame their victim for their own crimes, yes, we had it coming it seems. It was not the speculator, the bubble boom, bust, crash reality of the cyclical fiat financial empire of the city of London, and their willing accomplices in parliament of course. No, never that.

But when presumptions are shattered, force is countered, law as is commonly perceived – legislative-Statute, the colour of law – FORCE – is challenged and found wanting and unlawful, what then must the Powers That Be do? What else, but ad hominem attacks and the age old remedy of carry on regardless as seen by Mr Green’s own less than subtle threat…

“However, before anyone else considers not paying their Council Tax, let me assure everyone that Wirral Council is stepping up its activity to ensure that everyone pays their fair share. Nobody is above the law.”

Indeed, all are equal before the Law. A shame really that so few of the passive subjects see the truth of that age old maxim and that the State indeed does not agree… The law was the crux of the matter, and those public officers that are entrusted to administer it.

Finally, a quote of one of my favourite works, “The Law”, by Frédéric Bastiat (1848), p17.

How to Identify Legal Plunder

But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime. Then abolish this law without delay, for it is not only an evil itself, but also it is a fertile source for further evils because it invites reprisals. If such a law—which may be an isolated case—is not abolished immediately, it will spread, multiply, and develop into a system.

The person who profits from this law will complain bitterly, defending his acquired rights. He will claim that the state is obligated to protect and encourage his particular industry; that this procedure enriches the state because the protected industry is thus able to spend more and to pay higher wages to the poor workingmen.

Do not listen to this sophistry by vested interests. The acceptance of these arguments will build legal plunder into a whole system. In fact, this has already occurred. The presentday delusion is an attempt to enrich everyone at the expense of everyone else; to make plunder universal under the pretense of organizing it.

History in the making at Birkenhead…

Posted in Lawful Rebellion with tags , , , on March 8, 2011 by informedminds

This day, history was made an only time will show the true magnitude of the events that played out on the 7th of March 2011 at Birkenhead County Court.

This was a declaration of lawful INTENT, an expression of rights… In a nutshell, a wonderful (if noisy) revocation on the State’s presumed legitimacy to rule! We only want a fair playing field, one law for all… surely not an unreasonable goal?

Here is a very different form of protest, not a protest – an assertion of Man’s true standing, a revocation, a rebuttal of a system hopelessly corrupt. ‘Judge’ Michael Peake was ‘civilly arrested‘ for treason, he failed to produce the warrant he claimed on the record to hold under the Queen, nor did he affirm his standing on his oath of office, time and again refusing to acknowledge his oath with its ascribed duties and obligations. Administrative law, not justice.

Also details emerging of a sheriff not exercising his obliged duties (full story on that bombshell to come out in time, and it’s massive), and police behaving very well it seems, and yet still protecting a criminal at large – aiding and abetting his “rescue” – or if you prefer “importing” aid and comfort to the enemy…

The mainstream media are telling us 300 supporters on the ground in support of lawful rebellion, less jaded eyes say it could have been far more that turned out to support Roger Hayes defend himself from an utterly corrupt and morally bereft judiciary, and in the process ‘civilly arrest’ the Judge, Michael Peake and Seize the court – which was held for almost an hour.

Lawful Rebellion in action, but the BBC of course attempts to downplay its importance, this will not be a story to be swept away so easy as they may wish.

Intruders have tried to arrest a judge after storming into a courtroom on Merseyside.

The activists went into the room at Birkenhead County Court while about 300 protesters gathered outside the building.

The incident is believed to be related to a bankruptcy hearing at the court.

A Ministry of Justice spokesman said police were called to deal with the incident and the intruders had since left the building.

Streets surrounding the courtroom have been closed.

A leaflet handed out by the demonstrators said they were trying to seize the building “in defence of our freedoms and liberties as provided for under section 61 of Magna Carta”.

Merseyside Police said two people had been arrested for assaulting police and breach of the peace, while four others had been arrested for breach of the peace.

Articles Wirral Globe articleBBCSovereign Independent

Outside the “Event” the police were not so pleasant…

A more in depth report to follow.